Monday, January 31, 2011

life is like roda....heh

hmmm....a few days ago...dak klas aq munie & bella tego aq... " weyh...asal skunk ko snyap je..??da x dgr ko bsing2 g dlm klas...ko skit ke..??ko ade mslh ke..?? " just blas ngn snyuman aq yg x bape nk mnis nih..hehee....just ignore what they said 2 me....hehee...dowg saje rase aq normal je...heh...but tonight time ngah borak2 ngn housemate aq.. ieka , ct , yien & tegerak ati nk tnye sal bf ieka....npe aq tnye..??coz dlu everything kitorg share...ttbe kali nih cmne lak aq ley x tau dye da couple ngn dak pon tnye laa pon wat laa cm tacing2 an....heee...then mule2 ieka ckp cmnih.. " yelaa...skunk kite cam da x ade mase sme2....kdg2 blek klas tgk ko tido...pastu ko skunk suke dok dlm blik..da jrang lepak sme2 kat blik kitorg nih " hmmm.....yeke..?? nie kali kedue org tego prubhn i change..???i dont think so..!!heh...nape aq cmnih..??hmmm.....pnat cm pnat sgt2...klas...asgment...driving klas lak weekend...lyn fb..blogging..heh..2 yg bz tu..haha....nta laa....sbnanye aq sndri rase perubhn aq da kurang ckp da x epy sgt cm dlu...kdg2 ttbe rase cm nk melalak skuat2 ati aq..heheh...dlu aq ni sgt2 happy go lucky...suke gelak...bkn suke...asyik gelak x kn dpt tau bile aq sdih..smpai besties aq time kat skola dulu pon ley ckp..ko ni bilenye nak nanges..asyik gelak je aq tgk...haha...betape cerianye aq nih laaa....coz of love aq jd cmnih..??come on laa nana...break up is not the end ur life..!! ape laa lembik sgt ko ni skunk...wake up2..!! syg kau laa muhd noorazreen..!!!kau tau x..?? aq da cube syg org laen sblm sbb kau aq jujur ngn diorg yg aq mmg x ley syg diorg lbeyh dr sorg kwn...mcm2 aq kne maki...sbb kau..who cares..??mcm2 aq rase bile aq ngn ko...u make me happy..but u r the one who make me suffer..!!! aq cube benci kau..lupe kan aq x ley.....argghh.. damn..!! shitt.!! hah...tidak..!! nana....temperature is over 100 C ... heee...kunk meletop kunk ssh lak...hmmm....everything yg jd ade, just wait & see what will happen next kayh...ko just perlu sbr je ye nana....heh...mmg btol our life is like roda...sometimes kite kat ats...sometimes kite kat bwh...just follow the flow & be patience coz everythinhs happen is god will... :-)


  1. nana.....pew2 pown yg terjady...ko knew kuat..ko dew ktew owg yg sntiasew dew ngn ko..ko jgn lew tros diam cam uw......xskew r..aku nk nana yg dlu!!!!!ko taw ak!!!!!aku benci n nymph ngn ko yg kunk na...ko bnyk diamkn dry..ko bnyk...ngelat dary ktew owg.....kan dah ckp...ssh sng bersmew2 an?????ko jgn lpew uw auw...jgn sbb laki ko jdy cam ney na...wake up k!!!!!!!!ROZLIANA RAHMAN!!!!!

  2. ta salah ingtt OD.. tapi ko kne pk gak al dri ko..ok?? ko ade kwan2 ko ag... huu... sgt sedey tau jadi mcm nie... mane adq kaka yg dlu...??? juz yakin, klau mmg da di takdirkan dy untuk kmu, perlu sabar n kuat.. oke??? tamo mcm2 lagi... tau??? epi selalu k??? syg kmu selalu tau??? <3 <3 <3
